lunes, 13 de abril de 2020


Welcome dear students to our English virtual class. 

Miss Karim

Date: Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Topic: Free-time activities

Purpose of the class: Use the Present Progressive tense with time expressions

Vocabulary: free-time activities (see last class)

1. Watch the ppt and pay attenttion  to the grammar. 

* Remember: The present continuous and present progressive are exactly the same.

2. Look at the chart and pay attention to the time expressions in order to identify the simple present and the present progressive tenses.

3. Complete the Student's book.

- Page 14: exercise 8

- Page 15: exercises 9,10, 11

4. Listen and complete the exercise. 

- Page 15: exercises 2,3

* Your tutor is going to send the listening to the classroom whattsapp group. 

- Page 16: Saturday Off

* Your tutor is going to send the listening to the classroom whattsapp group. 

4. Homework: Complete the Activity book pages 146, 147 and 148. 

* To print or copy in your notebook. 

- Page 146: exercise 4

- Page 147: exercise 4

- Page 148: exercises 5, 6, 8

6. See you at 10 O'clock. We have a meeting. Use Jitsi, this is the link and your tutor is going to send you the link too. (Nos vemos a las 10 am. Nosotros tenemos un encuentro. Usa Jitsi, este es el link y tu tutor te enviará el link también)

* Link:

7. Send your homework: 

 Envía tu tarea:

* By e-mail:


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