lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Rooms and furniture

Welcome dear students to our English virtual class. 

Miss Karim

Date: Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

Topic: Rooms and furniture

Purpose of the class: Describe rooms and furniture and their uses


- armchair                  - bed               - bookcase            - cabinet
- chair                          - desk              - lamp                    - mirror
- sofa                            - stove             - table                    - toilet
- wardrove

1. Watch the video. Listen, repeat to the parts and objects of the house.

2. Complete the exercises of the video.

3. Complete the worksheet.

4. Complete the Student's book pages 20, 23, 26 and 27.

5. Homework: Complete the Activity book page 154.

6. See you at 10 O'clock. We have a meeting. Use Jitsi, this is the link. 

* Link:

7. Send your homework: 

* By e-mail:


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